Business Entities
Selecting the appropriate business structure is an important step in any new venture. We help entrepreneurs and start-ups select the type of entity to achieve their business goals. Our attorneys provide guidance regarding the formation of corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, professional associations, non-profit organizations and other business entities. We assist with the initial filings and developing the related governance documents and agreements to suit the client’s business vision. We also assist in restructuring businesses to meet clients’ changing business needs.
We work with our clients to understand their business and tailor our legal strategies to their goals throughout the entire business life-cycle.
Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures
Our business attorneys have extensive experience in representing both buyers and sellers in a wide array of mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures in both size and structure. Whether advising on large public company transactions or privately owned small business acquisitions, we use our experience and creativity to achieve the client’s strategic goals.
Joint Ventures & Partnerships
Joint ventures and partnerships may be created in many different forms, from an agreement to work together or pool resources for a specific purpose to the creation of a new entity to conduct joint business operations. We assist clients in the formation and operation of joint ventures and partnerships and understand the various issues, considerations and terms to be agreed on by the parties.
We assist clients in reviewing and negotiating contracts to best reflect the nature of the deal, protect our clients’ interests and minimize the risk of future disputes. Whether drafting contracts or explaining the impact of terms within an existing agreement, we help our clients understand and evaluate the risks associated with contractual terms.
General Business Counseling & Governance
We counsel clients on a variety of day-to-day legal, governance, contractual, and compliance issues, from routine matters businesses may face to urgent unexpected issues that may arise. We work with our clients to understand their businesses through their eyes so that we are able to offer advice and solutions tailored to each situation.
Fund Raising
Our attorneys provide legal support to entities to raise money during all life cycles of the business. Our services include counseling boards and management on deal structure, preparation of disclosure documents, review of marketing materials, term sheets, negotiations with investors and securities compliance.